• Cuddling helps pair-bonding

    The act of cuddling releases a hormone called oxytocin, sometimes called the “cuddling hormone.” Oxytocin is responsible for provoking what scientists refer to as “pair bonding,” which means it makes the cuddling couple feel closer and more intimate. This helps to create a bond between a man and a woman. In evolutionary terms, a woman wants to create this pair bond in order to get the man to commit to her and their offspring. Even if your woman isn’t trying to marry you and start bearing your babies, she is likely still drawn to create an emotional bond with you and this kind of physical intimacy is a good way to do it. Cuddling also feels pretty damn good when it’s done right, so anot

  • Pain lead to emotional numbness-you no longer feel anything

    Emotional numbness is the inability to feel much of anything. Things that used to make us feel happy or elicit a smile produce a weak response or nothing. Likewise things that should provoke us to anger or even tears result in an apathetic response. It is a lack of emotion where there once was emotion. One of the causes can definitely be depression. I feel that this symptom results from feeling overwhelmed and overburdened by life's challenges to the point where you just can't feel anymore. You are too tired and weary to emote. It can also be a protection against feeling too much as in after a trauma. It can be the process of shock where we simply cannot take in the emotional real

  • WHOLPHIN - Hybrid of Whale and Dolphin

    Wholphin, sometimes written wolphin, is the name given to a hybrid marine mammal born by crossing a dolphin and a false killer whale, the latter of which is actually a species of dolphin, despite its name. The only verifiable examples of this are the wholphins born at Sea Life Park in Oahu, Hawaii. One is an individual named Kekaimalu, born in 1985, that is a cross between a bottlenose dolphin, Tursiops truncatus, and a false killer whale, Pseudorca crassidens. Kekaimalu, a female, was born at the sea park where her mother, Punahele, a dolphin, and Tanui Hahai, a false killer whale, shared the same pool. Kekeimalu has an appearance that is intermediate between her two parents. She is da

  • 8 year old wrinting letter to Santa to end his twin sister's bullying

    When Karen Suffern, a single mom from Rocky Mount, N.C., asked her 8-year-old twins to write a letter to Santa with their Christmas wishes over the weekend, she expected to see toys, books and clothes on the list. Instead, Suffern was shocked to see a heartfelt request from her son, Ryan, that Santa Claus step in and put an end to the bullying suffered by his twin sister, Amber. “Dear Santa … I wanted a [remote control] car and helicopter, but I don’t want that any mor. Kid at school are still picking on Amber and its not fair because she doesnt do anything to them … ,” Ryan wrote. “I prayed that they will stop but god is bisy and needs your help. “Is it against the rules to give gif

  • Learn to think positive in 3 simple steps

    What you can do to increase positive emotions and take advantage of the “broaden and build” theory in your life? Well, anything that sparks feelings of joy, contentment, and love will do the trick. You probably know what things work well for you. Maybe it’s playing the guitar. Maybe it’s spending time with a certain person. Maybe it’s carving tiny wooden lawn gnomes.P That said, here are three  steps for you to consider. 1. Meditation: Recent research by Fredrickson and her colleagues has revealed that people who meditate daily display more positive emotions that those who do not. As expected, people who meditated also built valuable long–term skills. For example, three months after

Dallas’ High Five Interchange, US

Unknown | 23:33 |

Dallas’ High Five Interchange
As the world’s people continue to acquire automobiles at a precipitous rate, we must build increasingly complex intersections to deal with the resulting traffic. Few places epitomise this trend more than the intersection of the Interstate 635 and US 75 freeways in Dallas, Texas, where the massive, five-level High Five Interchange was completed in December 2005 at a cost of US$261 million

The High Five sees up to 500,000 vehicles pass through it each day, and while traffic flow may be smooth, the interchange is one of the most impossibly complex highway junctions you will ever see. Just try and make sense of the jumbled spaghetti from above!
Dallas’ High Five Interchange
Switching to map view doesn’t clear things up very much; one can easily get lost in the maze of on-ramps, off-ramps, bridges, frontage roads, and U-turn routes

Dallas’ High Five Interchange
The High Five sees up to 500,000 vehicles pass through it each day, and while traffic flow may be smooth, the interchange is one of the most impossibly complex highway junctions you will ever see. Just try and make sense of the jumbled spaghetti from above!
Switching to map view doesn’t clear things up very much; one can easily get lost in the maze of on-ramps, off-ramps, bridges, frontage roads, and U-turn routes.

The reason the interchange is called the “High Five” is that at its densest, it is literally five layers of road stacked on top of each other. It’s hard to capture something like this in Street View (usually because the view is blocked by another level of road), but we do manage to catch glimpses of the top four layers while viewing them from the fifth

In total, the interchange contains 37 different bridges, the highest of which is 120 feet (37 metres) above ground.

The Dallas High Five may be the largest and most spectacular five-level interchange, but there are plenty of such stack interchanges around the world. The rival Texan city of Houston alone has five interchanges with five levels. The most ragged-looking five-level, though, must certainly be the Gravelly Hill Interchange on the M6 in Birmingham, England.1 Not only are there five levels of roadways, but there are two railways, two canals, and three rivers tangled up within. No wonder then that it’s known as “Spaghetti Junction”…

Dallas’ High Five Interchange

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